This is my very first 3D model which is a few cubes that are all different sizes and I had to use the move tool to put one on top of the other. 


UNPAINTED Simple House


Painted Simple House

This is my Simple House I made in my Multi Media class. This was one of the hardest projects I have done in DATA I had to every single detail like the walls, trim, door, windows had to be components (which means if I edit one it edits all of them), and the chimney. One of the major problems that I had was that when I added the trim it somehow removed some of the original height of the walls which was 10 and it shrinked it to about 9.

This is my Simple House but as you might have noticed it has shadows now and that is because I used blender an app on the computers in which it added shading.

This is my 10 second 100 percent video of my house spinning. I made this in Sketchup and imported it into Blender to make my video. This was fun because we got to keyframe so that the video is animated. We also did a 10 second 10 percent video which is to make sure the animation was correct but we didn't use it because it is very low quality.

230221 Modern Design 10 second 100 percent.mp4

This is my own design called "Modern Design" I made it in Sketchup and imported into Blender to animate it.  I also colored it with pastels and drew a sun and a small girl on one of the sides of my design. This was pretty easy for me because I had my own creative freedom and I feel really proud of my design.

Alien Piñata Girl Picture

This is my custom clay sculpture that I made in Multimedia. I decided that I didn't want to do a green screen animation of my modern art so I had to something else instead. This was made in blender with the sculpting option. This took me a week and a half to finish. This was very complicated because you can't paint in blender so I had to paint it in paint 3d so that I could animate it with the colors I wanted.

230309 Alien Pinata Girl 10 second 100 percent- Rebeka Saldana.mp4

Alien Piñata Girl Video

This is my animation of my sculpture. This was complicated for me because you can't animate it correctly. So I had to animate the camera of my model. That is why it looks wobbly.