Here are a some of our vector art graphics we did using Adobe Illustrator, with a high quality resolution. (Also I made the background myself)

What is it

Adobe Illustrator is an Adobe-owned product that costs some money. But in the long run its a fun and great thing to do. Google Drawings is a free thing serviced from Google.

These are high resolution vector art graphics we made using Adobe Illustrator, with circle inside circles. We used a gradient radial fill for each circle so it has a bevel and embossed look.


Mike Wazowski

Mr. Gonzalez

Ms. Kwan

These are also vector drawings we did in Mr. Gonzalez's class. I used Google Drawings instead of Illustrator, and you can also see this in the 

Here are some... silly emojis we made using Adobe Illustrator with different emotions.  These are SVG images (Which maintain quality.) I even made a Mike Wazowski.

Here are some files we made using "Ed Emberley." Ed Emberley is multiple shapes, lines, and curves into a thing or place. These were made with Illustrator, which a lot of the things we do use Illustrator. We got to pick whatever object we wanted to make; so these are the ones I chose for our Vector Graphics.





This is a mission patch we made for our science field trip to the Scobee Center (I know. Amazing right?). For the past few weeks, we have been studying on how to colonize Mars by researching, asking, and even watching "The Martian" (My new favorite movie.) So we had to make a mission patch in Illustrator, and it will be printed into a sticker. We started this in Tech Apps, and it ended in Multimedia. I'm really excited on how this turned out, and I'm sure the field trip will be even more exciting.

These are animated gifs that we made in Multi Media made with Adobe Animate. We used tutorials for most of them, besides one (I bet you can guess which one 🤩) where I just tested out the pin tool, keyframes, and classic tweens. 

This one is an animate gif that is... well... awesome I guess. I was messing around with the pin tool on Adobe Animate. Lol.