Android Apps are apps that you can play on an Android (It's in the name), and we used MIT App Inventor. We have a home screen, which leads to a bunch of apps we've made. But, since 4 apps are the basic tutorials given, it's best to lead it up to you if you want to make them.

To Start...

MIT App Inventor is a free online app maker that uses block code, meaning that your not using html or javascript, just premade scripts kinda. It's really easy to use; you should do it!


This is a MULTI-APP (Multiple games in one) so it's a MUST to have a menu. The menu leads to all different games, about screen, and even exit the app with the convenience of pushing a different button! (Notice how it says Screen1 in the corner? Don't worry, I didn't forget. You can't change it)

Paint Pot:

The Fundamentals: So PaintPot is a drawing app, with options like saving images, customizing the colors, and changing the background. Down below, we have to code, its giant, but it's simple if you look at each one.

Here is a screenshot of my Paint Pot screen, with a bunch of options on the bottom, and some custom colors to make at the top! It has a few totally random options for a background when clicking "new canvas" such as a Kermit the Frog, angry grandma, and obviously Mike Wazowski.

Earth Clicker

Now. Here is something that they didn't tell us to make- a clicker game. I had literally no ideas, so I just did something obvious. I got this idea from a friend named Leom. I have not yet figure out the Upgrade Stork which is like a automated worker. I'll get back to you when I figure it out. (Update: I FIGURED IT OUT)

The Code:

Want to download it?

Scan this QR Code!! It is really really fun!