
In math, we have done linear equations, scientific notation, trend line equations, pythagorean theorem, simple and complex interest. and inequalities. Math is a great class.


In science, we are currently doing our exploration to Mars project. We just finished it, and we got to make a 3D model of our structure! We watched The Martian (My fav movie now), read George's Secret Key to the Universe, went to the Scobee center and so much more. This year we've also done Energy transformations, Speed, and I can't wait to see our next projects.

Copy of Red Envision Science Project

Social Studies~

In social studies, we have done culture, religions, and geography. We have also been doing this project where we get to create our own world 🌎. I named mine differentiate, and the people look exactly like Mike Wazowski (don't tell my teacher though). We've also studied a country from around the world, and I got to study Lithuania with my awesome group.

Lithuania- Country Culture Project


In ELAR, we have learned about dystopias, grammar, and have written essays. We have made an essay of a memory. Here are a few of my works:

Copy of RICHARD PEARL - Hatchet Mini-essay

Hatchet SAR

Copy of RICHARD PEARL - Narrative Retelling 2023

Narrative Retelling

Copy of Declan Pearl- Memoir- That Rude Playground and Me

My Memoir

Copy of RICHARD PEARL - My Persuasive Essay 2023

Persuasive Essay

Quote and Truism Bank

Quotes & Truisms- For Writing

RICHARD PEARL - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)

My Monster Story- Including Root Words