This year, we made a video of all my favorite things. You can see all the images, category pages and more that made the video

My Favorite Things Basics

Premiere Pro is an Adobe-owned application used to make videos and mp4s using keyframes, effects, and so much more.


Intro Page

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Here are a few of the before and afters of the pictures:


As you can see, this is just a dull photo


In this photo, it is a little more vibrant


In this one it's a little dark and boring


In this one its darker and more vibrant

The Final

221011 My Favorite Things - Richard Pearl (VBR16).mp4

This is the final product- with animations, captions, transitions and more. Used with high quality pictures and photoshopped category/titles, an awesome video was made. 

Credits go to the following websites for these photos:

220815 My Favorite Things - Pearl, Richard.docx

This is the outline to the My Favorite Things video and the final result essay. I really think this turned out good, and we used Microsoft Word to make this document.