My Robot

My Robot

I used the shape tool, shape builder tool, direct select, and the line tool.  This was made in adobe illustrator. I believe I did good on this assignment and that my robot looks good.


I made my logo in adobe illustrator using the line tool, brush tool, and the text tool. I believe I did good on this assignment and that my logo fits the robot.

The Pitch

This is what my robot does and the cost. i used The shape builder tool, pattern tool, shape tool,and this was all made in adobe illustrator. I believe I did good on this assignment and that my pitch shows what by robot does.

This is my elevator pitch for the robot 

Hi my name is Harry and I help Pets and achieve a better and easier life for your pets. The Puppy bot is there for your pet when you can't be. You might be wondering how the puppy bot helps? Well first off I know many people have a busy work schedule so you might not have time to get your dog the exercise they need. The P-bot will walk your dog for you so you never have to worry about your dog not being fit. You might be saying but I can walk my dog. So to that I would say does your dog ever get into trouble when you're not home. The solution to your dog's behavior is right here in the P-Bot. The P-bot has a built-in camera that sends a live feed directly to your phone and has a built-in speaker so you can talk to your dog. You might say I don't need any of those things. My dog is a good dog. Well I know all of us Dog owners have forgotten to feed their dogs well the P-Bot will make sure your dog is always fed. The P-Bot is your Dog's best friend while you're not with them. Get yours at Pets and