Sneaker AD Campaign

I am Harry and I am representing my company and we offer the Character shoe line. We help athletes not find a shoe that looks good and feels good. Do you get sore feet when wearing shoes and you can't find shoes that look nice and are comfortable, well we have the shoes for you. My company's products have the newest and latest technology for foot comfort while looking nice on you and match with anything? If you do a lot of walking, running, or just moving around a lot then this shoe can't be beat, they are cheap and durable. If you're an athlete why not try these shoes cause all the athletes are wearing these. Here is our card or you can contact us at These shoes are the latest in comfort and look the best now. This is the shoe of the future. We are the leading company in shoe design. Thank you for coming out today. 

SHoes 2.mp4

This is my elevator speech.

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These shoes are based off of characters from shows and movies like the first shoe of the animated line is the Frozone shoe and the second shoe is the My Little Pony shoe. These show are formal and casual they can be used any where even for running, hiking ,climbing.  They are only 10.99 each.