This is my first ever Vector Art.

This is my Color Library.

So we made a 1 circle and then used a tool in Adobe Illustrator called the recolor tool. That has a color wheel that have little spokes that you used to you can move around by and they will stay use the same color lay out. 

MY choice drawings

This is an Anti Air vehicle.

This is Barney the Dinosaur.

I made these emojis in adobe illustrator.

Data Man in Space

This is Mars

This image is up scaled so you can see the little details 

This is a Data Man in Space

This image is up scaled so you can see the little details 

This is the final version when I combine the Data Man and Mars

This is a mission patch for a science feild trip to the scobee space center

This is my original drawing 

This is my original drawing I had to change it because it tock up to much ink

These are some animations I made

This is an animation of a wolf chasing 3 pigs with bacon and an eggs on them 

This is a windmill

This is an amusement park ride

This is a doll shaking there head and body