This is My Favorite Things project I have worked on this scene  8/15/2022 it has been really fun working on this project.

This is my  "My Favorite Things"  essay below.

         This essay is about my favorite things. This essay will contain stuff that I like Greek Mythology, Landmarks, and my Hobbies.


         My favorite things in Greek Mythology are Zeus, Poseidon god of the sea, and Cerberus the three head guard dog of the underworld. I like Poseidon because he is the god of the sea and I love the ocean. Cerberus is my favorite Greek creature because who does not like a giant three head dog. Zeus the God of Gods and the lord of the sky.


         My favorite hobbies to do are code, skateboard and do karate. Let’s start with why coding is one of my hobbies is because I love work with technology. The reason I like skateboarding is that when I need some outside and chill time I can get on my board and ride anytime I want to. Let’s not forget about karate because I have been doing karate sense, I was 4 years old and now I am 11 years old.


         My favorite place I have gone are so far the first thing is the USS Lexington I went there during the end of summer. I have not actually ben inside it yet. I have ben to Colorado and saw both Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods. Pikes Peak was so cold, and garden of the gods was so beautiful.


         I hope you liked my essay because it is about my three favorite topics topic one Greek Mythology two Hobbies three Landmarks, I had fun I hope you did to.

These are the images I used in My Favorite Things video. 

Zeus god of gods 

Poseidon god of the sea 

Cerberus the mythical dog 

I have been karate most of my life 

Coding is just a computer language

I love to skateboard 

This is the U.S.S Lexington

This is pikes peak

This is Garden of the Gods