This is a project that I am working on for school, I go to a special program that teaches a lot about technology and how to use it.

These are all images I made in Adobe Photoshop.

These are the images I used in the main video

This is the main video I made with the previous pictures.

221012 My Favorite Things (draft) - Vincent Castaneda (VBR16).mp4

The essay I wrote for the my favorite things project.

Hi! My name is Vincent. I have to write an essay for school so here’s some things that I enjoy but that’s all I have to say so enjoy!


One of my favorite animals are sharks, I like sharks because they’re cool, and they have been around for a long time. Another one of my animals are gorillas. I just like how smart they are. It's pretty cool to me that they know how to use tools. Finally, capybaras which are my actual most favorite animals ever, I just really like how cute they are, and they are also aquatic animals so they can swim which I think is cool.

One of my favorite foods is steak. I like steak because if it's cooked right then it can be very juicy and flavorful. Another one of my favorite foods is potatoes, because they can be cooked in many ways, so that means no matter what you’ll probably like potatoes. I also like sushi, I like sushi because there are multiple types of sushi so most of the time you can enjoy sushi.


I have a few favorite places so let’s get started on those. One of my favorite places is the aquarium, not any one in specific but just I like going to aquariums mostly because I’m very interested in marine life Another one of my favorite places is Colorado, I like Colorado because of the cold weather I also like Colorado because I used to live there so I have family there. The last topic for this essay is the beach, I love going to the beach because there are a lot of fun things to do there, of course there’s the actual beach but there’s also some great seafood restaurants, but for me the absolute best thing at the beach is to use a boogie board on huge waves, nothing beats the adrenaline rush of going on huge waves gives.


So yeah, that’s it, those are somethings that I enjoy. I hope you appreciated reading some of the things that I enjoy doing.