
About me

Hello! I am a student in DATA in 6th grade. Right now I am working on a 3D Model for my teacher, and it is a piece for a plaque that he is going to 3d print. 

My favorite animal is a giraffe I just think they are very cool because of their long neck, I actually got to feed one at the San Antonio zoo, and that was a cool experience I also think its funny the way they give birth because the baby giraffe kinda just falls out from the mom, and it looks funny. I usually spend my time playing video games, or playing guitar. I also play trombone in band.

About DATA

DATA is a "Magnet Program" that teaches students about how technology works. DATA stands for Design And Technology Academy. In DATA students learn how to technology works, how to use it, and how to use software to design, and 3d model. In DATA right now we are learning how to code android apps with a program called MIT app inventor. My favorite thing that we have done in DATA is the simple house project, because it was fun, some parts were challenging, some parts were really fun, but most of all we had freedom on what coloe we could make the house.