
This is a research project on whether Twinkies are safe or not for consumption.

Another project I made in science was a plan to colonize mars, here is the document we used for that.

Copy of Operation Chaos report

For ELAR one time I had to write a memoir, and here is my memoir.

The Day I Lost My Cat 

I have a cat named Ruby. Ruby is an interesting cat, she picked one of our family members to actually like and hates the rest of us. The person she picked was my sister but that is  not important at all. Anyways, a few years ago I went outside to do something. I do not exactly remember what I was doing,it was probably picking weeds, but I went into the back yard, and naturally the cats followed for some time outside. When I was done doing whatever I was doing, I went back inside.

 One of my cats, Tomas, not pronounced Thomas, followed me back inside, so I thought Ruby just didn’t want to go outside. So without thinking about it I went to play video games with my cousin like I always do. So come time for dinner I get up and go to the dinner table and eat dinner, and then feed the cats because it's my turn to do that, because me and my sister alternate between feeding the cats every night.

 I kept calling and calling for Ruby to come eat dinner, and she never came. I go to my sister's room to see if she is hiding in her room, like always, and she's not, so now I’m really worried. I asked both of my parents if they had seen Ruby, and they both said no. I looked all around the house trying to find my cat, so I could feed her. Eventually my sister, dad and I get tired of looking and give up, and just accept that the cat found a way out of the house and ran away.

 Then I remember, maybe she really did go outside and I just wasn’t paying attention, like a good cat owner. So I went outside and looked through all of the bushes with my parents trying to find Ruby, eventually I heard, “Got her” and I turned around to see what had happened. Turns out she went under the hole in the deck my dad made when walking on it because of all of the weathering and rotting from rain and the pool that used to be on it. The deck was only like a foot off the ground so my dad and the cat are both fine.

The cat had gone under the deck and probably fell asleep in the warmth. But my dad heard a faint meow, and knew it was Ruby from the distinct high pitched meow she had. So my dad tried to call her out, but she wouldn’t move. So my dad had to try to scare her out by banging an antenna we used for the T.V, on the deck and she ran out and my dad caught her. After we got her out of the deck, she squirmed out of my dads hands and ran super fast to the door. Once we let her inside she bolted to the litter box. After she did her business she kept on meowing until we fed her and when we did, she ate the half a can of wet cat food we normally give them for dinner, and the entire bowl of kibble we always have out.

My cat Tomas, who was the one who didn’t get stuck under a deck, was just staring at Ruby while she was gobbling up the food like a psychopath. After that Ruby was forever a little scared of outside. Another little detail is one time my dad was outside and he saw a snake slither out from under the deck.

For elar we wrote a persuasive essay, and mine was about why schools should change to a 4 day week instead of 5 day week, here is my essay.

portfolio - VINCENT CASTANEDA - My Persuasive Essay 2023

For ELAR we had to write an essay about a monster we made with scientific names

portfolio - VINCENT CASTANEDA - My Fiction Story (with my monster and root words in it)