This page will be full of the 3D models I make.

This is the first 3D model that I made, and it is a simple house! here is an image of it.

I made this in SketchUp for schools and it has precise measurements for there walls roof chimney and everything. I have been working on this project for about a week.

This is a video showing all of the angles.

Here is a image of my simple house rendered in Blender; a free 3D modeling software.

Recently, I made a "Modern Art" in sketchup, the process is simple and I wrote and essay about the process

Making a “modern Art Piece” was easy, yet fun. All you really had to do was make a polygon base, draw some lines,and then make the shapes you made with the lines go up and down, but like everything else in this world there were problems that happened. Like one thing was I had to group everything into one giant object and I forgot. After that, for some reason I didn’t group the entire thing together so it was 2 objects for some reason. After I fixed it, It was smooth sailing! I just keyframed animations and rendered them into my Blender output folder and that was it.

Here is a video for the "Modern Art Piece"

230223 Modern Art Spin 100 percent 15 second Castaneda Vincent0001-0450.mp4