Hellooooo and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!! Now seeing as its been a whole YEAR since I edited this you might wonder what I've been working on. Well meet Blaze! He is a monster that I worked on and made in English. If you are wondering how I anamited him, it is the same program as the  background that I made for the credits of the videos.(1/3/24) 

240105 ELAR Monster FINISHED - David Shea II.mp4

Now the GIF is a little low quality so here we have a higher quality video so you can see him better. (: (1/5/24)

Now along with that we made some EMOJIS this part of vector art was really fun cause I got to choose the emotions, like this one. I tried to make him like the rock (:

Now this one as you can tell, is not finished, as I never had the time to cause of Blaze.

At the top of the body you may see little clouds, but they ARENT clouds they are brains.

So if you were wondering what the monster looked like without detailing it here you are and also you can see what he looks like when not moving. Freaky Right?

This is a T-Shirt design that I made in tech apps that unfortanaly, did not get picked to be the next T-Shirt design, but I think it looks pretty good.