Tech Apps

So this entire portfolio has been about Only one of my tech classes, Multimedia. What about the other?

In this class we mainly focused on graphic design, and typing. So I will be showing my typing score for our latest assignment, and some of the projects we worked on.


Here are my typing scores for the latest assignment.

Google Drawings

In this section, I will show you a compotation of all the things we worked on in google drawings.

On these two above me, we worked on making a poster for awareness of the rules for Ed White. The second is a partner work, still showcasing the rules of Ed White, but using contrast. 

In this google drawing, I made a logo for my newsletter.

Illustrator and PhotoShop

When we did Illustrator and photoshop, we learned how to make an image look better, how to colorize it, how to make graphic design, and the rules of graphic design.