My Favorite Video

My Favorite things is a project we did about, well our favorite things. We made a video showcasing them, and got some pretty good images of them. This is the first thing of many we will do this year. ENJOY!!! (9/28/23)

Wow, it's been almost a MONTH since I last worked on this! But don't fear that I was doing nothing at all as I was working on the VIDEO!!! Yes, a video about these Favorite things themselves!!! Using the pictures and the artwork I have made a great video in Adobe Premiere Pro! Enjoy!!!! {: 


For Best quality, use HD (1080p).

231030 My fav things David Shea II (1).mp4

Did you see the credits?  Was the background cool? Do you want to know how to make that? Well using after adobe after affects you can do that too!!!! Also HAPPY HALLOWEEN🎃🎃🎃🎃 


Before the video there was a lot of behind the scenes. So I would like to show you how we made some images STAND OUT.   This Picture is a good one to show. Before:

And After: 

Isn't that sooooo much better? What I did here was in photoshop, I darkened the picture and that made it more detailed. Pretty cool right? (9/28/23)

you will never find me hahahaha


All the stuff you see above you, these are all unique pieces of artwork that will never be made again. (At least the backgrounds are) To do this got to photoshop and use the classic gradient tool. Once you have done that, play around with it, its very fun to use. And Pretty! (9/28/23)

These are pictures of my favorite things (obviously like we are on the My favorite things page DUH) and they had to be really 

BIG.  But that is worth it because they are soooo detailed.  Now for no confusion on what these are I listed them above on the BEAUTIFUL pieces of art I made. The sport artwork is my fav {: 


After I made the video I made this! I thought I should add it here just because it looks super cool! What do you think though? [: (2/22/24)