
"DATA is the playground of the mind, where you can create to your imagination's limit"

About DATA

DATA at Ed White is a program where we work with computers. So we work in all sorts of different things, like Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender, and so much more you can find in this page! I will also include a map of where DATA is:

Cool right? But It can't just be about Ed White and DATA, you also have to know a bit about me!

About Me

Hello! My name is David Shea II and I am a student at DATA. I will include a picture of me, so here are some things I like! Football, Food, Singing, and Texas State! There are other things I like, But honestly, I can't think of them right now. So that's about me, and if you wanna see my friends, then look under this and you will see them!


4-20-2023-KR 🐵🏀 KEVIN

4-19-2023-JR 🤫 JAMES

4-12-2023-HH 🔥 HARLEY

8-12-2023-JH ⚽ JAXSON 

8-21-2023-JS  ⚡ JOHNNY

1-15-2023-KB  🤖 KANNON

8-01-2023-RB  👓 ROWEN

4-09-2023-KG 🌟 KENDRICK