Video Game Design

This is an 8th grade class I am currently taking, it has introduced me into coding used to make different types of games.


This was an introduction to coding, using basic coding blocks. Here are some of my projects as I progressed.

Nursery Rhyme

This was my first project of SNAP. It was to showcase our knowledge of movement, costumes, and broadcasts. We had to use all of these to make a short "film" to a nursery rhyme, which I choose itsy bitsy spider. It was pretty fun! The code is efficient, and works really smoothly.

Screen Recording 2024-05-23 at 11.11.32

Pong Game

My first game in SNAP! This was to showcase our knowledge of a lot of things, such as variables, random components, movement, controls, and overall pleasant gameplay. This came out pretty well I think, it plays well. 

Screen Recording 2024-05-23 at 11.29.21

Video Game Platform

This was a platforming game I created in SNAP. It worked with different kinds of games, like movement, gravity, and a scrolling stage. I had a bug with the game, so I decided to add it to the game! You can stick to green, that's the point.


This was an introduction to JavaScript, and 3D environments in games.

Spleef Arena

This was a project I worked on with my friend. We used JavaScript to create a game inside of Minecraft. The game is Spleef, a common game where the floor breaks from underneath you, and you have to not fall.

Code Output

JavaScript Code

Coquette House

This helped me gain more experience with 3D environments, for when I started making my own games.