3D Projects

Sketch Up and Blender 3D Projects 

Inside of my "Multimedia" class we created multiple projects using Sketch Up and Blender.

In this page I will show

Painted House Project

One of my projects was a house we created in Sketch Up and moved to Blender to create the final video!  

This is the image of my fully painted house inside of Sketch Up. Now lets take it to Blender and make a nice detailed video. 

Here is my fully rendered house inside of Blender. Notice the smooth textures and colors? This also added lighting and shadows!

This is my 3 second video (90 frames) this is the first 100% video render of my house. This video just shows a quick spin showing all the sides. 
This is my 15 second video (450 frames) this is the final 100% video render of my house. This video first shows the quick spin of the house. Then it slows down and spins again so you can fully see all the details. 

This video is created using the scenes feature inside of SketchUp.

Modern Art Sculpture

Inside of my "Multimedia" class, we had to do some modern art sculptures.

Here is my first try, It was a failure but it was a good for my first one.

This is my second try. I colored it and I liked it, but I saw others and realized it was way too basic.

This is my final try. I really like how it turned out. I decided to name it "The Guarded Village"