Digital Media 1

This was a class I took in 7th grade. It got me introduced into digital media, and designing things online.

Krispy Kreme Rebrand

Honestley, I think this was one of my top projects of the year. It was something I had a lot of fun with, so I was more creative with it.

How I Made This

The requirements for this project were to add new colors, fonts, and create a logo that successfully rebrands the company you chose. I met the requirements casually along the way. I mainly did whatever I wanted, with a base theme and colors in mind. After I finished, I had already met most of the requirements already, and just had to tweak a few things. I think of some the things I did really well with this project was my overall theming. The colors and design of the donut really fit the Krispy Kreme company.

If I did this again, all I would really do is fixing the drip of the donut. Other than that, I wouldn't change much. I think it really does fit the Krispy Kreme brand, and the font, colors, and logo I made ultimately fit the whole brand.

Why I Am Most Proud Of This

I am most proud of this project because of everything in it. I worked every day I had, and didn't waste much time at all. I really put in effort into what I thought the design was going to be. I had the original design in mind as well as my new one, and combined them into something I truly believe fits the theme. I thought of each decision carefully, such as the colors, font, design, and I put effort into the drawing I made. The style guide I made really works too, with the 2 different logo options and the edited image to show how it would look in the real life. A lot of people in my class also thought it was the best in 5th period, which added more to my already high praise of this piece of work.

Genre of Music Video

Sebastion_Martinez_Indie Music.mp4

This was also a fun project to mess with. It was mainly just an introduction to Adobe Premiere.

How I Made This

The requirements for this project were to make a video that followed along to the music with different clips and images that faded out at the beginning and end.  I met these requirements by gathering the needed amount of images first, and then putting them in a sequence that fit the audio while fading in and out at the beginning and end. What I think I did really well is the images I found, and how I made a short story out of little images that fit the song.

If I did this again, I would probably try to find better images that fully fit the screen, and I would move the images to fit the audio better. Near the beginning, I was too lazy to fit the duck going left and right to the audio, so it's a bit weird now.

How To Video

How To Video.mp4

I chose this because of how much effort I put into this. The video is short, but I had spent a lot of time making a story board and shot list before, and then actually shooting it and editing it afterwards

How I Made This

The requirements for this project were to create a quality video that explained how to do something in steps that fit a certain length. I met these requirements through my storyboard, and I planned the video beforehand to successfully fit everything I needed to do. The things I think I did well with this project was the quick explanations of the drawing steps in a very short 1 minute video. I think I did a good job and telling and showing what you needed to do.

If I did this again, I would probably add more editing. Maybe some more sound effects or something, but it's not very engaging and doesn't catch the attention that well.

Advertisement Project

This project is so ugly. I chose to show this because it shows where my skills started in digital design.

How I Made This

The requirements for this project were to create an advertisement that showcased different advertising techniques. I focused more on the content, and not the style. It created this ugly mess.

The colors are attrocious, especially the shaded green ball in the middle of pink. Also, the font is so boring! This wouldn't make anyone buy this toothpaste, it's not eye catching at all. It's just text, with no visually appealing elements. If I did this again, I would remake pretty much everything, put more focus on the toothpaste, diferent colors, more design techniques, really anything to fix this mess.