Digital Media 2

This is an 8th grade class I am currently taking. It is a continuation of Digital Media 1, from 7th grade. Here are a few of my projects I have worked on:


Symmetry September

Is this simple and basic? Yes, it is. I kind of rushed this. It was to show off symmetrical and asymmetrical layouts in online websites. It gets the point across, but it's really basic.

Overall, I give it a 4/10 rating.


This was my first "month" project to be made in Adobe softwares. The goal was to make something simple that showed off typography and your understanding of it. Compared to other month projects, I think it's alright.

Overall, I give it a 6/10 rating.

November November November

The goal was to showcase repetition in brand logos. I quickly came up with this simple thing. It's very boring, to be honest, and doesn't have much going for it. I could've done way better on Adobe Illustrator.

Overall, I give it a 4/10 rating.


Another average month assignment. This one is alright, better than some other month projects though. I think my point about color is shown, just by the box alone.

Overall, I give it a 5/10 rating.

Harmony in February

Compared to the other basic month assignments, this one is better than the others. It's more clean, and well kept. I think the font choice is nice, and I made the examples myself.

Overall, I give it a 7/10 rating.


For these coding projects, instead of working in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, we had to code an HTML website. I wanted to showcase something different in each one, creating special banners that showcases the month's idea, and different ways of showing off examples. In Februiety, I had all the 3 images layed out for you. In Symmetry September and March in Balance, the images were in a sliding bar. In Typotober, you switched between images by clicking the buttons, and in April I added a footer to the page.


Look, my first project of Digital Media! I'll give myself bonus points, since I was forced to create this on Google Slides. Some of the images have the white space on it, which is not good. But, it DOES send a message, kind of. Only a few people would actually stay behind to read this though. 

Overall, I give it a 4/10 rating.

Symmetry Challenge: Symmetry Cat

Cat Symmetry 1

The point of this project was to show off symmetry and the usage of the pen tool. I did great at that! But, if you looked at this, you would NOT find it appealing whatsoever. It's bland, but it does its job. 

Overall, I give it a 4/10 rating.

Cat Symmetry 2

This was created based off of advice from my peers. See, now it is not as basic! I like the cats and the colors, but the background is terrible. It pulls away from the symmetry part.

Overall, I give it a 6/10 rating.

Typotober Challenge 1

The task was to create a short and simple poster that uses typography to match the days theme. I did not use correct typography, but the overall thing looks alright.

Overall, I give it a 6/10 rating.

Typotober Challenge 2

This was another project to show of typography. I think I did wonderfully with they typography. I also think I improved between the draft and the finished product quite a bit. I really like the finished product.

Overall, I give it a 9/10 rating.

Digital Thankfulness

I really like this one! The task was to create a thank you card for anyone, because it was Thanksgiving. I chose my mom, so maybe this has some sentimental value, but I do think it fits the autumn theme very well.

Overall, I give it a 8/10 rating.

Holiday Card

The task was to show off perspective in Adobe Illustrator. I don't really know how this shows off perspective.. so I kind of failed the task. It also doesn't look too appealing. There's random scribbles everywhere. I like the presents, and the tree, but that's about it.

Overall, I give it a 5/10 rating.

Practice with 3D art on Adobe Illustrator. 

Practice with color schemes on art pieces.

Hero Project

This was for the hero of our websites we were coding. I really like the color scheme on this one! The fuzzy coloring for the circle at the right looks nice, the custom made paintbrush and computer look good too! The stars give it a final touch. 

Overall, I give it a 9/10 rating.

Emphasis Projects

The goal of both of these projects was to use emphasis on more important ideas or text.


This one came out really nicely! The present looks great, the emphasis points to the present and the text. The little slogan likes nice, I think this one was pretty good!

Overall, I give it a 8/10 rating.


This one is alright. It get's the goal done, it looks decent. There's not much to say about this one, it's very mediocre.

Overall, I give it a 6/10 rating.


The final project of 8th grade! This one was REALLY fun, and I spent a ton of time on this. Maybe too much time but whatever. I really like how this came out, it might not be exactly how I imagined it, but I spent too much time on this to not be proud. It also has sentimental value, because I made it for my little sister.

Overall, I give it a 9/10 rating.