Made with AI tools in          adobe Firefly

231116 My Favorite Things -Penelope(Penny) Long (FINAL) (4).mp4


These are my headers I will be using for my slide show.

the gradient backgrounds are one of a kind and are made with the gradient tool (obviously) on the difference tool  and it took about two days to do just this; it was all worth it though!

This is my first category only used the outer glow affect for this one.

My second category has both stroke and outer glow.

On my three category I used bevel and in bas which gives it a 3D look, outer glow, and stroke.

You made it to my last category this one has a story as a two year old I broke my leg I have broken 10 since these are the lest painful ones. I used bevel and in bas as well as the dent tool.


These are the pictures I used for my video! They had to be 1920x1080 and we used advanced search to find them.

I also used Adobe After affects to create credits with backgrounds like this 
