Made with AI tools in      Adobe  Firefly

This is the star of this page my model.   I made, animated, typed, and sculpted this model I call it seasons turning.   I use color key in premiere, and fractal noise in after effects just to make the background.   The truck of the tree is sculpted with blender and the color change is also for the animation stage.   

240403 Tree in the sky Final Penny Long.mp4
240220 House Spin w_camras 100% 10 Second-Penny Long0001-0300.mp4

After we finished monsters we moved onto their wreckage.   Well not really but we were making houses! This is my house I gave it cameras to keep out intruders and a cozy cabin feel. Look below to see how I did it : )

First to learn the controls in sketch up we made cubes. By making squares using the rectangle tool, then pulled them up using the push and pull tool to make cubes.   We also made our names I used the arc and line tool.

My House 

Next we made a floor plan if you can call it that and again pulled it up to make a block.   Made a line pulled that up to make a roof.   Then we used the offset tool to finish the roof.   After that we made widows and a door.   Then our teacher Mr.Hicks said to add details so I added security cameras and a hanging planter. 

After that we got out the bucket tool and started painting.   We got most of our colors from the menu, but if you wanted a extra touch you could get much higher quality materials.   

Then we got a couple detail shots showing my widows that are components and all change at once!    Also my plant, is really just a lot of circles stacked on top of each other.

240129 Simple House Scenes Animation -Penny Long.mp4

I went back into sketch up and put all the following together and made a video  with screen pal we finally finally made... a full house.

Blender animation

We got into blender we started really animating it using key frames and rotation tools.   As a draft we rendered it for 3 Seconds spinning one way. 

240213 House Spin 10 100% Second-Penny Long0001-0300.mp4
240213 House Spin 10 10% Draft Second-Penny Long0001-0300.mp4

 Then for another draft we did 10 seconds but only on 10% so it is low quality. But it spins two ways right then left.

Finally we did a 10 second video with 100% quality fully rendered and spinning two ways. 

240213 House Spin 3 Second-Penny Long0001-0090.mp4

                   Modern Art Sculpture 

240403 Tree in the sky Final Penny Long.mp4

This is what you have all been waiting for the amazing tree you see on the cover page thanks for bearing with me though all that not many read to the bottom. Just read to the bottom one more time to see the prosses of this amazing animation.

This was around my hundredth attempted on the design. It is really hard to make a tree! Even with all the tools like snake, smooth, cut, and flatten. After all only God can make them grow. I had tried So much in sketch up but didn't save them. They were that bad. 

This was my hundredth and 3 attempted on the design. Continuing with the snake tool but a much smaller design. It is a little patchy and a hollow bottom. As mentioned it wasn't perfect but a lot better. Just a couple problems that could be fixed. 

Tada This was my solution a bunch of spheres from the object menu. Just click add spheres and done! I know it doesn't look like much but add some color and it is almost a tree. Color and molding can fix it. Right?

Next the color and molding I count let blender to have me mold the spheres but I still could resize and shape them. The color tool is was easy peasy lemon yellow squeezy. 

Much better with a green and a better brown. I used a metallic setting to give a nice simmer. I told some color and molding would make the difference. 

Ensuing my discovery of color I thought what if the color shifts. Subsequently I hade the idea to do seasons the one you are seeing is fall. Obviously.

This was my first draft of my video. Now I know what you are thinking where is the cool seasons turning extravaganza? I am getting to that it's a bit more convoluted to animate a whole year's worth of a tree and have it spin the entier time.

240308 Tree scupluture aimation Draft Penny Long 0001-0300.mp4
240319 final tree 10 second spin EVE-Penny Pong.mp4

I finally got a end point in animating the tree but how am I going to get clouds and a real video with sources and copyright stuff. Those are the big questions that I will have to solve. 

Remenber those big questions I have found a solution green sreen! Oh what that's not right I can't have green screen because my tree is green and color key would take my leaves. So, purple screen!

240320 Tree model cycles Penny Long0001-0300.mp4

Now to get clouds sound and text this sounds like a job for After Effects! After Effects is a digital visual effects, motion graphics, and compositing app evolved by Adobe; it is used for film making, video games and tv production. Among other things, After Effects can be used for keying, tracking, compositing, and animation. A perfect place to key, track, compos, and animate clouds!

203121 Fractial nosie 2 Penny Long.mp4

And with a color setting on fractal noise I have animated clouds. I changed the sped to to a slower and peaceful thing using key frames. I was going to do a different facial noise called Mr. Mercury but this one just stuck. 

Now with the clouds nocked out I have only three more things to do. Music, text, and combine them all. First with the text I will be using a platform called bridge it will give special effects to my text giving it that whorl wind look that you saw in the vid.

After that I will combine again in After Effects. Look at the top for the final vid.