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About DATA

Hello if you are thinking about coming to DATA, you should! They have the nicest teachers I have seen in my life. The teachers always try the hardest to help us and will answer any question. (within reason) They also have fun and engaging work that helps you learn. Just look at this portfolio. Sometimes I can't believe we did this in class! Here is a link to the website!

My family

I have two amazing sisters and I'm the middle child.   I also have a lot of pets; I have a dog named s'mores a couple cats named mister, honey, banana muffin, and a axolotl named butters.   They are all good pets and no the dog doesn't eat the cats the cats don't eat the axolotl.   Even though it seems like they would.  That's mostly because I live in two houses the cats at my mom's and the dog and axolotl at my dad's house.   They divorced when I was nine.

My injury life 

  I have experienced open heart surgery at about two months old called TVPVR when my older sister was about two. Also I have broken 11 bones since.  Both my legs, wrist, elbow, multiple fingers, and my tooth. I have been though a lot but I remain happy and christen. I plan to stay optimistic al though middle school.