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Now we take our first step into coding; making apps! We are using a platform called MIT App Inventor. To get started You just click create apps type a name in and huzza! A beautiful app. It's not really that simple but you get the point.  Now comes the coding and games this is what my home screen looks like. If you are wondering why I have under scores (_) it is because MIT doesn't like spaces.

If you think this is even a sufficient amount of code then you have a whole lot coming this is only coding for if you press a button this happens.  Speaking of pressing bottoms. Scan this thing and you can press these.

This will take you strait to the wonderful app I've been talking about.

Warning Warning this doesn't work with apple android only. That's right if you have a apple phone you are our of luck.

App Screenshots

This is my first app Hello Codi, but wait this isn't Codi! Codi is App inventors mascot it buzzes with the sound effect when you push him for a while.

Now the Code to make little ranger speak. I as I have mentioned before used the sound effect form pixabay. Bot what about the  other code that is an alarm to ask if you want to go back to the  main menu. 

This is my talk to me app it with talk if you type in the box then press the bottom or shake it.

Next I have the code to make it all posable the shaking shaker to make that available and a text to speech text box so you can type all day!

This is a simple game you move the ball it bounces off the sides.

All the code for this one is just when you fling it it moves and if it reaches the edge it bounces.

Now the app I think was the most complex and hardest of all a coloring page. See coloring pages are fun but have you ever thought about all the code that goes it to it. each color needs to draw you want multiple canvas you need to code that too. 

Tada! This is all the code I was talking about before hand a lot of code it is. 363 blocks in all that will only  seem irrational until you play it with all the features including a paint sizer custom color maker. Multiple canvas a mute and unmute bottom for the interactive bottoms that say the color for kids who are unable to read.

Now for the final game squisha bugg! I t operates by a press of a bottom you squash the bugs. By pressing them when you reach score 20 the level and bug changes.

Now the code mostly for the score and what happens when the bugs are touched which ended up being pretty long.

That's it just one more reminder that if you what to play this for your self pls scan the QR code!