After we finished our "My Favorite Things" video with Adobe Premiere, we started our vector art. We are using Adobe Illustrator to draw the vector art and using Adobe After Effects to animate certain ones.


This is the first thing we made for vector art. this was something we did to introduce us to vector art and get the hang of all the tools. We made this by first making the four lines from the corners that connect at the middle. We made these by using the line tool. The next thing we did is make the biggest circle. we made the circles from biggest to smallest.

E m o j i

After our first testrun, we made our own emojis. We used Adobe premiere to draw these. Some got to animate theirs but I only had time to make it. My emoji is pink because it is mad. It is so mad that it has STEAM coming out of its ears!!! We used lots of tools in Adobe Premiere like line tool, circle tool, and lots more!

ELAR Monsters

In our ELAR class this year, we drew monsters and named them to practice greek and latin root words. We later animated them in our multi media class. This is the before and after of the elar monsters.



This is the finished animated monster that I made! I hope you like it 💕🌺🥥🌴