Cube Starting Project💕

Our starting Project for 3D modeling helps us get to know the program, Sketchup that we are using. We used lots of different tools like the square tool, the tape measure tool and so much more. There are also lots of keyboards shortcuts. For example, if you want the rectangle tool you press R. This project helped me to start using sketchup.

🤍3 D  h o u s e🤍

This is out simple 3D house. This version is our unpainted version. We used lots of tools doing this. Some tools we used are the push and pull tool, the move tool, the line tool and the measuring tape tool. We used lots more but those are just the ones we used more frequently.

This is the painted version of our 3D simple house. I had lots of fun making this and I really like how it turned out.

This is the finished video showing all of my house. In Sketchup, we made scenes showing all of our house. After making the scenes we put them in motion then we recorded it with ScreenPal. I hope you like it!🤗😋😊

240131 Simple House Scene Animation Elin Liserio.mp4
240216 House Spin 10 Second 100 percent Elin Liserio.mp4

3 Second Draft

After finishing our scenes video in Sketchup, we moved on to Blender. With Blender, we could make a smooth video showing all of our house. But, before we moved on to the longer video, we had to make a shorter one. But, of course this isn't the finished video. This is just a draft for the real one. Blender is a very good software and, it's free! Blender makes it so much more easy to animate our 3D houses!

10 Second Video

After making our 3 second draft, we made the longer, more smoother version of our house video. Of course, we made the video with blender, which turned out SO good. I hope you like it!

240216 House Spin 10 Second 100 percent Elin Liserio.mp4

⸆⸉More info about Blender⸆⸉

Blender is a software that is totally FREE, and it can help you with so much 3D things. You don't only have to use it for school, but you can also use it for work or personal use. To make our house video, we had to use keyframes, we had to adjust the lighting and so much more. Blender is such a good workspace to use for animating, or really doing more with your 3D projects.

3D Stadium (Taylor's Version)

For this 3D model, I was inspired by the stage of Taylors Swift's Eras Tour. As always, we started out our 3D models with the unpainted version. I made this model in Sketchup for schools. I used tools like the line tool, the tape measure tool, the push pull tool, the hexagon tool, and too much more to list. 

This is the painted version of my stadium. The rainbow colors in the stands are inspired by Taylor Swift when she sings her song "You Need To Calm Down".  When she sings that song, the entire stadium Lights up rainbow because of the electronic bracelets bracelets throughout the crowd.


3D Model Final Video

This is the final finished video of my 3D model! Sit back and relax🍿. Hope you like it!