h e a d e r  m a d e  w i t h  a d o b e  a i  s o f t w a r e

M   A   T   H

This is some of the work we have recently done in my math class. I really like this class and the teacher. For any students who may be reading this in the future, Ms. Staar Burt is a very good math teacher. I really like the way she teaches and the way she explains every lesson.

S O C I A L    S T U D I E S

Every week in social studies, we have a map test that we can study for them at home and we also get time in class to study before the test.

Here are some of the most recent work we have done in my social studies class. You should expect a good amount of homework in this class. All the homework is pretty much any assignments that you didn't finish in class. The teacher for this class, Ms.Stubbins, is a very good teacher and she makes the class so interactive and social. Ms. Stubbins is a very good person and definetly one of my favorite teachers.

E N G L I S H / E L A R

This is my elar monster. In class, we used this assignment to practice greek and latin roots. The way that we did that is we had to give it a name in latin based on the unusual amount of body parts out monster had. We drew these in English, but we animated them in Multi-Media.


This is my memoir that I recently finished in my english class. 

it was surprisingly enjoyable to write this essay. 

hope you enjoy😚


I REALLY like my Science class. I think the teacher Mrs.Nuckolls, is my favorite teacher so far. She is really funny and she makes class so enjoyable. The work below is one of the assignments we recently did in my science class.