231031 My Favorite Things - Elin Liserio (FINAL).mp4

This is my final My Favorite Things video. To make this video I used Adobe Premiere to make keyframes, transitions, captions and I got to customize all of the tools. We have been working on this video for some weeks and I have learned lots of very useful things. I hope you enjoy! 🤍 

-The tools I used for this title-

-Bevel And Embass-Gradient background-Outer Glow-Stroke-Drop Shadow-

-The tools i used for this title-

-Bevel And Embass-Gradient Background-Stroke-Outer Glow-Drop Shadow-

-The tools i used for this title-

-Bevel And Embass-Gradient Background-Outer Glow-Stroke-Drop Shadow-

-The tools i used for this title-

-Bevel And Embass-Gradient Background-Outer Glow-Stroke-Drop Shadow-

Now, you may be wondering how I made these titles, well it was actually really easy. The software that I used is called "Adobe Photoshop" Here are the steps to making these titles:  First I had to make a background and to do that I used the gradient tool to make about 8 backgrounds that are all unique and have never been seen before. Then, I made the text and added affects like Bevel and Embass which gives the text a 3D affect. I then added the effect stroke which makes a border around the text, and then I added outer glow which gives the text a glow around it. Lastly, I added a drop shadow which makes the shadow of the word under it.

to make our video we had to get images. but not just any images. we had to find images that had good quality, were appropriate and that were the right type and size. so here are all the images i used for my video.