Monster Animation

This is my monster that I had to draw in ELAR and then made it out of the blob brush in Adobe Illustrator. Once I had recreated my monster, who's name is  Octoauratricephelonovkeratabidactyloquadstomatotricervicaoctoliguaquintencephaloduouradoalariumoctocyclopod by the way, I placed it in After-Effects and created what you see on the left. I used the color wheel to make the eyes change from their regular color of red to others and then back again. Also, if you look a little closer, you can see the shoulder horns growing and then shrinking again. Try it.

Adobe Illustrator: Cool Emoji

This is an emoji that I thought of making when I realized that I didn't want to make a barfing emoji on my portfolio page. I used the shapes tool to make the eyes, head and sunglasses. The line tool to make the eyebrows, mouth and hair. I applied an inner glow to the head to make the 3D look. I also used a cool tool called the curvature tool to bend the right eyebrow to make the Dwayne Johnson face. 

Adobe Illustrator: Shape Sampler

For this one, I just pretty much drew a random thing and was supposed to animate it but I didn't have time. For this random masterpiece, I used the GREAT, the Fantastic, Line tool! It is a little Blue Alien named Mike. For the perfect circle that is the right eye, I used the shape tool in Illustrator and pressed "shift" on my keyboard and just drew it however big I wanted, the exact same thing for the left eye.

Sample Graphic

For this one, I had to prove that I knew what I was doing in Adobe Illustrator and had to make this. It shows that I knew how to use the line tool, the shapes tool and the gradient tool, which was all that we were using at the time. I drew four lines to the very center and made them get thinner and thinner on the way there. Then, I made a big circle, followed by a smaller one, then even smaller and then the smallest one. I used the fill tool to fill the circles with color and then used the gradient tool to add the black stuff at the outline giving it a 3D effect.