Data T-shirt Design: Adobe Illustrator

This is my T-Shirt Design that I tried to be the design on the shirt the you might be wearing. I used Adobe Illustrator as the only tool used in this. I tried using the shapes tool to just make a simple shape, add anchor point and move it. However, I thought I found a better way when I started to use the pen tool. All I had to do was trace the shape and then connect the ending point to the starter point, and I was done.

This is my typing speed, accuracy while typing, and my typing time. This is a system called that you can go on to learn typing. It has helped me a lot. I can prove this because I used to type by finding the keys and always clicking with my index finger to two-hand typing. Definitely recommend.

049 Final Tech Apps Assignment of the Year!

This is the last assignment that I did for a grade in my Tech Apps class. I was supposed to find a really cool, Black & White, image on the internet and give it color in Adobe Photoshop. All you had to do was add a neural filter to the copy of the image and it made it colored. However, it may not have been the color that you wanted, so you would have to add adjustments to make the final product.

This is the original image.

This is me working in Adobe Photoshop

This is the final product.

Google Drawings

This was the very first Google Drawings assignment that I did in this class. I was supposed to make something to get used to all of the tool in it. These tools include the Line Tool, the Insert Image Tool, and the Text Tool.

JOHN BAUMER - EC007 Holiday Pixel Art [due Mon 12/11]

Holiday Pixel Art

This was an extra credit assignment that I did during winter. We were supposed to find an image on the web and then make it in pixel art in Google Sheets. As you can see, I made a the Grinch.