231030 My Favorite Things - John Baumer.mp4

Hi! My name is John Baumer I am going to show you the process that I took to find all of my images, create all of my titles, and how I made the backgrounds in those titles. First off, my images. 

I really had to look for 27 images and then find my favorite of each thing, leaving me with nine. However, I only was able to find 18 Images and could only decide between two for each category and only had to delete nine. Now I am going to explain how I was able to find those images. It is rather simple. All you have to do is get onto google, click on the images button, then you type in what you are looking for. Then you get into the setting, the little gear button in the northeast (top-right) corner. After that, you click on the advanced search button, go into the drop-down menu labeled image size. For this project I had to use 8 mega-pixels (MP) but you can use whatever size. Then, I had to  go to file type and choose the JPG option. Finally you click on the advanced search button in the south (bottom) part of the page and choose whichever image that appeals to you the most. Then repeat this 9 times.

Now its time to make my titles. For my titles, I only use the best. The one, the only, Adobe PHOTOSHOP!!!! This is where I made the beautiful titles you see above. I used a lot of cool editing tricks on them as well. These include bevel and emboss, outer shadow, inner glow, and outer glow.  The font that I used to make my PNG titles was Copper Black, except for my name in the intro. For that one I used Bush Script MT. For my backgrounds, I used, again, Adobe Photoshop. I made another file in photoshop and titled it, (Date code) Backgrounds. Creative!

I then grabbed the backgrounds from the page and putting them under the text layer and then exported the whole thing over to After Effects to make the video you see above.