Modern Art Sculpture

240305 Modern Art Sculpture 2 Spin - John Baumer0001-0333.mp4

Modern Art Sculpture Render: Blender

This is my Modern Art 2 Sculpture that I exported into  blender from sketchUp for Schools. I made it add more light to it and made it spin to make the video that you see on the left.

240401 Cycles Modern Art Sculpture 2 Spin - John Baumer.mp4

Musical Model In Space

This is the final product of my Modern Art Sculpture. It was the Blender Export with a blue-screen background that I put in Adobe Premiere Pro. I made the background by putting a black BG, then exported it to After Effects, where I added stars. Then, I got rid of all the blue and it showed my model in space.

House Videos & Images

240129 Simple House Scenes - John Baumer.mp4

Simple House -Sketchup for Schools

This is a house that I made with the help of the site: SketchUp for Schools and ScreenPal to make this video. I first did a practice project called Cubes (below) get used to everything. But after I did that, I got to actually start 3D Modeling. I used SketchUp to make a new file and call it 240122 UNPAINTED Simple House - John Baumer. 

I then measured all the dimension to make two combined rectangles. Then I measured 10'/10 inches up from the ground to make the general structure of it. Then I used a tool to pull up the top part to make the roof. I then had to copy the entire front wall to make the window and make sure that it was not connected to anything else. Then, I made it a composition so that when I copied it, whatever change I made to one, will happen to the other. After, I made some copies, put them on other walls and adjusted the scale a little. I then used the Follow Me tool to make the little thing on the bottom. Also, as a little extra, I added a Circular 4-pane window. I added the chimney by using the rectangle tool and the push pull before erasing the part the I didn't need. That is in short of what I did.

Simple House: Adobe Dimension

This is the same house that you see in the video above, however, I put it in Adobe Dimension which adds some extra details and MBs (MegaBites). The first one is the original and the next one is the Adobe Dimension edit one.

Simple House: Detail View

This is the same house except, as you can see, it is zoomed in on a window. This shows you how much work that I put into the window. The first one is the original and the next one is the Adobe Dimension edit one.

Blender Simple House: Blender

This is the same simple house that is above, except it is in a new program called Blender. What I had to do to get this house in Blender was I had to click Export-Collada-Download (when it appears)-then you move it from your Downloads Folder, to your 3D Modeling DAE file.

240214 Stone Simple House Spin 10 Second - John Baumer0000-0300.mp4

10 Second VIDEO😎: Blender

This is the 10sec video that I made. This video was the reason that I went into Blender. When I first started, i had some trouble, but because of my friends' help, I got through it. This is the same house as above except it is a video.


Cubes & Name: SketchUp for Schools

So, if you look at the mini-version of how I made my video, it mentions that I had to do a little project to get used to everything before I could actually get started. This is that project. I titled this project cubes, because it has cubes in it. I first just used the Rectangle Tool to make some 2D boxes by drawing on the guidelines; the dotted lines under the cubes. I then used the Push-Pull Tool to raise the squares the same feet that they were across. I then used the line tool  to draw my name. You might be able to see that man standing there. That is Casey, he is there so that we, the users, have a way to measure how tall our project is compared to a human.

Stacked Cubes: SketchUp for Schools

This project was the same thing as above, except, I made the cubes stacked with the move tool.

If you click here, you will be taken to the SketchUp For Schools Home page.