My Favorite Things is a project that I worked on in my 3rd period tech class we had to find high quality pictures then edit those pictures and turn them into a video using adobe premiere, and adobe photoshop.

Here are the links to photoshop and premiere so you can learn how to use them if you want: and

<------- Images I have used in my project these are the pictures that I edited





Hi  I’m Cristian and this is my favorite things project

I was born in Georgia and lived their for 1 year and my dad is in the military so we move a lot. Texas is my home all of my lives in Texas so we can always pretty much visit them all the time the only time I was out of America was when we moved to South Korea and no I did not learn much Korean I only know like 1 word, anyway this is My Favorite Things.

I really like Pokémon so I’m going to talk about my favorite Pokémon.

My most Favorite is the classic Charizard He is super op probably one of the most powerful Pokémon also my favorite card of him is the shiny VMAX Charizard. My second favorite is Greninja, he does really cool water attacks and is super cool. My third favorite is Lucario I used to have a GX Jumbo of him when I was little but I lost it while moving, but I think he is super cool as well also I’m a Pokémon card collector.

I love sports so were gonna go with that

My favorite Sport is basketball I’ve been on so many basketball teams, usually I’m the best player on my team. Basketball has taught me to always try, also my dad used to be one of the best players in the state when he was in high school My dad has taught me basketball pretty much my whole life My favorite team is the Golden State Warriors(GSW). My second Favorite sport Is football I love watch it on TV, and play football with my friends I’m not a good qb but kind of a good wr. My last favorite sport is baseball I like to watch the Houston Astros on TV I also use to play baseball when I was 7 I was on the dodgers we only lost like twice out of a whole season, now if I play I can now pitch but I’m rusty when I’m batting.

Now food, everyone should eat food so I’m going with that.

My most favorite food is……Steak I love steak we go to a lot of barbecue restaurants our main is Texas roadhouse they have one of the best steaks I’ve ever had My dad also barbecues every week or so, and those are pretty much the reasons why I love steak and yes, it’s pretty short. My second favorite food is spaghetti/pasta Olive Garden has the best Spaghetti I’ve ever tasted. Sometimes if we’re not going to go eat out at a restaurant ill just make some if we have the ingredients and Also B’J’S has good pasta as well I recommend adding pepper it adds to the flavor. My third favorite food is sushi I love going to Chinese restaurants and getting their sushi I really like the sushi at this buffet called China Harbor they have like five different types I can’t really remember. Well that’s it for My Favorite Things bye.