On March 28th 2023 we made an android app using MIT App Inventor and connected seperate apps into one like Hello Codi, Talk To me, Ball Bounce, Digital Doodle, and Paint Pot. On this page I will show you my pages, how they work, and their code to make them work. Enjoy!

I was the only person in DATA 6th grade 2023 that made a tutorial and that tutorial was how to make a custom color it's pretty easy actually. If you wanna learn how to create a custom color or just want to see the video the link is below.


This is the QR Code that leads to my app so incase you want to visit my app and use it for fun you can scan this QR code and it will take you to my app.(By the way also you can only access this app with a Android no IOS.)

This is the screen one page where you can click the buttons to go to a different screen. Also below are the blocks which is the navigator for the buttons to work.

This is the Digital Doodle page where you can draw whatever you want and if you wanna wipe your artwork just shake the screen on the device you are using my app on. Below are the blocks of code that everyone used to make digital doodle work and be able to draw.

This is the Hello Codi page on my app, basically when you tap the bee it makes a bee sound. It's not much but it's something. Below this is the blocks you can see the block which causes the sound to play.

This is the Ball Bounce page when you put your finger on the ball and drag it or push it it will start to go in that direction you can grab it then move it in a different direction. I spent 15 minutes trying to get the ball to hit the corner. Below this image is the blocks I used to make this cool page and the ball work.

This is the paint pot app which took the longest of all of our apps to create. To use it you have to tap or drag your finger across the screen. I'm still adding extra details and functions to this app. When you click on a color it will say the color and draw that color on the canvas. When you press the mute button it wont say the color name anymore and the magic button changes colors when you tap or slide your finger on the picture also you can change the image when you click the new image. There is also a slider you can't see it but it changes the size of the colors. The code is huge look at it it's so much code and there might be even more soon like I said this is still a work in progress. Most of that code is for the same attribute btw lol.