This is our Hatchet Mini Essay we did for ELAR at the beginning of the year. We had to read the hatchet book over 2022 summer so we could write this essay when we got to school.

The Struggle is real

By Cristian Lozano

Hatchet by Gary Paulson,  is a book about the protagonist Brian who got in a plane crash on the way to visit his dad. His parents recently got a divorce. On the way to visit his dad the pilot got a heart attack. The plane was still flying after a while he thought it was best to go down. He got stranded on an island for several months while he was there many disasters  happened .He taunted mother nature saying, “Come on is that the best you can do a moose and a tornado? that's not gonna get the job done.”It was also thanks to his mom for surviving, his mom gave him a hatchet before he left and that came in handy when he was stranded. It helped him get wood and defend himself.Eventually a long while later a helicopter finally came and rescued Brian his parents almost remarried and they all lived well after that.

I go out into the woods alot in my neighborhood there is always something new to explore. I relate to Brian through family struggles. My mom got breast cancer in 2020 when everything was going downhill. We were in South Korea at the time so the doctors couldn't help us much so we had to move back to America to get my mom's treatment for her cancer. A month before we moved my grandpa died he was struggling to survive so when the time came he was gone. We were still heartbroken. We had  to move into his house for 6 months until we got our house that we have now.My dad still had to do college school work so he was not home most of the time but when he did get home he spent as much time as he could with us. I'd say that my life can be a different Hatchet book. Several things have happened in the span of 2 years.

This was our narrative retelling story where we had to read a book then write a news report on that book like it actually happened.


  Reported Alien Girl Woken up after DECADES asleep!   

Date:May 1959

A 15 year old alien girl who claims she lived on the planet “Argo '' has been brought to Earth by SuperMan. Superman reported that Kara and the rest of her family were frozen to be able to sleep, unluckily ice had fallen from the ceiling and destroyed the other chambers except hers. 

Kara claims that Argo and Krypton both got destroyed in a shockwave, parts of Argo were still left and Krypton was fully destroyed. Kara has Superman-like powers apparently, maybe we have another hero? 

Everyone is starting to call her Supergirl after being brought to Earth. “Where is the rest of  Argo?” “What about the other people that have lived on Argo?” People keep asking these questions from all over the globe to Kara and Superman. Kara says that she doesn’t know and even if she did she wouldn’t say so since Kara isn’t comfortable answering. With that SuperMan isn’t answering either. MORE NEWS AND FEEDBACK COMING FROM SUPERGIRL SOON!

This is our memoir where we had to write something important that happened in our life

The Close Call, 2/26/2011

 My mom gave birth to a small baby on February 26th, 2011, and that was me. I was born in Georgia, and my mom had a hard time trying to push me out. Eventually, after several hours, I was free. 

When my mom was getting treated, the doctors noticed something wasn’t right. That's when they realized that I wasn’t breathing. The doctors noticed a tube around my neck. I don't know if it was an umbilical cord or a feeding tube but it was somehow around my neck. 

As my mom watched, the Grim Reaper was pounding at the doorstep of my hospital room. As soon as he got through the door the doctors quickly but calmly grabbed a small knife and cut the tube and took it off of my neck in time. The doctors had enough time to find my pulse and help me keep breathing, so I didn’t leave this world known as Earth just as I arrived.

My mom asked the doctors ,“Please tell me my baby is OK! !” 

The doctors replied with, “He is gonna be just fine; we found his pulse, so he is OK, but we are gonna have to keep him with us for a little while we run some tests.”  

My mom was waiting very patiently while the doctors were running the tests.  My dad was very excited to see his first boy, so, after a few minutes of relief, I came back and lit up my parents' world.  They were so happy to see that I was OK, but they decided to  stay in the hospital with me for a little just to make sure that nothing was wrong with me or my mom. My mom doesn’t know how the tube got there and I don’t either. It's a mystery. Those  doctors saved me and my mom. I wish there was some way that I could thank them, but It was in Georgia and they are either retired or dead, keep in mind this was 12 years ago. I’m so thankful that they saved my life, and I got to bring my mom and dad so much joy. The Grim Reaper still tries to take me,, but has failed each and every single time… so far. I’ve been getting really lucky lately, so I do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. We will find out soon. I believe I only weighed like 6 or 8 pounds, so I was a small little guy. 

I am so grateful that I can be in this world and meet new people and do new things. I'm so glad the Grim Reaper did not take me away. Now, would we say it’s more of a miracle or luck honestly I think it was a miracle that I am alive. I was actually born earlier than expected. I was supposed to be born somewhere in early March but nopeI decided to come in on February 26th It took so long to get me out of there I guess I was really stubborn. I also have a little brother, nothing bad happened to him when he was born so that is good. When he was being born I was feeding the fish in a fountain with my dad. I remember that very vividly for some reason and me and my dad were just walking around exploring and eating while my brother was being born. He is 9 years old right now which means he was born in 2013. So, this is my story on how I almost died when I was just born.


This was our Persuasive essay where we had to pick a topic then we had to study and to research on that topic to make an essay.

Is Space Exploration Worth It?

Personally I think it is not because we still have much of Earth to discover, for example its waters and maybe even more land unexplored somewhere. It is also cheaper because we already have the tech to explore way more of Earth’s waters like submarines and boats, and even if we don’t it will surely be much easier to make because if we could design rocket ships and landing zones on the moon and make stuff to go to Mars then we can surely develop something to help us explore the Earth’s waters. It is also not as big as our Solar System is and space itself. So if we have discovered planets light years away then we can definitely get most if not all of the ocean discovered. We also already have 20% of the ocean discovered and maybe if we mark those coordinates we can go where we have never been and go deep diving into the great blue sea. 

NASA is not the only company discovering space, it may be the biggest and most popular but it is not the only one. Also NASA is using our money from the government that we use to pay our bills, debt, etc while other companies are using their own and the help of others to do space exploration so why don’t we let them do their thing while the government doesn’t spend billions on space exploration let them spend the money. 

We have really good technology but we should be using that to discover more of Earth. It would be so much faster if we use the technology for Earth instead of space exploration, then when we have even better technology we could be using that for space but of course after we discover most if not all of Earth. We have also discovered more of Earth than our solar system so why not just finish Earth while we're closer to finishing.

We are spending millions to billions of dollars for rocket ships, and astronaut suits that can withstand an impeccable amount of heat and pressure while we could spend it on a new type of boat or submarine that can withstand that much in the sea and with the technology we are using currently for electric powered cars that can drive by itself then we could definitely make some kind of aquatic vehicle(s) that we can use to discover the rest of Earth and land vehicles. 

It costs around 25 billion dollars a year for space exploration which is so much money coming from us to the government who gives that to NASA, while ocean exploration only costs around 1 maybe 2 billion dollars now yes that is a lot but if you are thinking about the ocean it really isn’t that much just for aquatic exploration. We could be saving the money we use for space and use it towards the ocean. It is much cheaper and probably more effective. Also we might already have most of the equipment for deep underwater exploration and we could use that plus the other stuff we design with the money so it might be even cheaper than 1-2 billion dollars it really just depends. 

 Now there could be so benefits of going to space like getting better technology and discovering planets with some sort of life form that someday we could leave Earth and live there but Shouldn’t we discover the full planet of Earth before we leave so maybe if we find something it could lead to the cause if we should leave or not maybe there could be  another reason on why we should stay like a secret material somewhere on Earth that we could still live off of  if the Earth is having a change.   

The money could also go to making special areas in the water to make it easier to access like a tunnel or a special type of submarine with extraordinary lights that you can easily see and if we can’t we could make special ocean suits like the resources we use to make astronaut suits except it has special features that makes it easier to swim and see and move around in the water and can withstand some pressure and make it easier to breathe in the deep deep blue sea. It could also have some sort of material that prevents predators in the ocean from attacking or killing the person in the suit. 

In conclusion I think that space exploration is not worth it right now due to the lack of Earth being discovered and it costs a lot of money for space travel for sea exploration. It is still kind of a lot but much easier and cheaper so I think that we should finish Earth’s exploration before our solar system or space itself.