As the new year started (2023) we decided that we will start making 3D models. Here we are gonna show you some of our projects our first project started on January 5th 2023, there is many more models to come. We just finished our custom 3D model designs scroll down to see mine!

Here is the blender version of the sketchup video. As you can see it is much smoother and more realistic.

This is also the Blender version of the house except I made it implode. It's like an explosion is happening and I'm just rewinding it.

This is the same house but with more light and more realistic texture. We got this house by uploading our sketchup file into the Blender program and it got more  realistic.

This is our first project a small house, we made this using Sketchup For Schools. We used different materials for each part and I think mine is super cool what do you think? I am currently working on a neighborhood right now and you might see it completed in a while.

Right here is the Youtube video showing off the full simple house that I made.

Right here is the unpainted version of my house. This is what the normal texture and color would look like before adding them. This was also before I changed the windows to a smaller and longer shape.

This was our first project we did when we first learned how to use Sketchup, Basically we have to draw a square then use the pull/push tool to extend it then at the bottom we had to make the cubes a certain size then stack them on top of each other, I chose to put the little person on top of the cube tower, and if you were wondering what that was, that is indeed a mini person.

Here is our 3D Mode custom design I put in a image carousel so you can see the different angles. Only some models are gonna get 3D printed  this one isn't. This is the blender version of my first model.

230301 Sky High Castle Video - Cristian Lozano0001-0300 (1).mp4

This is my second 3D model It's kind of like a pyramid thing and I like it. This took only a few days to make.

Here is the 3D Printed model of the one above looks cool doesn't it. Also that really tall tower got messed up due to the 3D printer getting jammed.