This is where I will show you all of the vector art i've made at Data.

A...Man? fighting another man?

I....Honestly dont even know.


Just...a regular orange.


just another fruit... just a completely normal lemon.


I made this in my Tech Apps class lol

Sample Graphics

Something I made in my Multi-Media class in Adobe Illustrator 

Color Library Test

Another thing I made in multi-media on Adobe Illustrator  

Mission Patch

A  mission patch I made for a field trip to Scobee.

Traveling The Stars

This is my original art piece in my Multi-Media class for my mission patch. It took a long time, and a lot of effort. If I had a little more time I would've made the stars 3D, as well as the planet and the DATA man.

Angry emoticon

An angry emoticon I made on Adobe Illustrator.

Smug emoticon

A smug emoticon I made in Adobe Illustrator.

Happy emoticon

a happy emoticon I made in Adobe Illustrator