Android Apps

here is where I will show you the apps i've made on android in my Multi-Media Class

P3_Carina 1.0


this is the menu, the screen that will take you to all of the games on the app. if you click on the "Exit" button, the app will close. there isn't much to show on this one, but I do like the color scheme.

Hello Codi

 this is the first screen I made, called Hello Codi. Codi is the Coding bee mascot for MIT App Inventor. This game is fairly simple, you click on the image of codi, and it makes a buzzing sound. I think we made this to just start up simple so thats why its so plain, but I still like it. definitly not my favorite screen though.

Talk To Me

In this game, you click the "talk to me" button and it says a standard greeting, saying hello, how are you, ect. not much to show about this game either, but what i do like about it is that I put a button that says "talk to me custom". if you click "talk to me custom", it will take you to the screen on the right. in this screen, you can type in what you want it to say in the little white box above the return to menu button.

Talk To Me Custom

Ball Bounce

This game is... aslo pretty basic. you just watch a ball bounce off the walls. its pretty boring. theres only like 5 block i needed to code. 

digital doodle

digital doodle is a game where you just draw on a screen. shake to erase your marks, and..... that's it. this one was more complex to code, but its just a drawing page.

Paint Pot

Paint pot was definitely the hardest to code, and I might still have to update it. the coding is very complex, but the app is ok. the scale at the bottom determines how big the brush is (i promise its bigger when its on an actual screen). the wipe button wipes the screen, and the take picture button takes a picture and sets it as the backround to draw on. I have 10+ colors, but you can't see them all from a picture, as it has a swipe motion.