my robot

Hi, my name is Carina cox, and i'm here to introduce you to the newest at-home technology…. Cat Bot!! Cat bot fixes many household problems, for the low price of $109.99!! The Cat bot takes care of the… gross.. Things you don't want to do! Do you have a pesky rat or mouse problem? Well consider your problem solved! Using AI sight technology, Cat bot detects pests and eliminates them from your home by killing the pest and concealing it in its stomach cavity! Just check the cat bot’s stomach at the end of every week, and remove the eliminated pest! This also works with bugs and birds! Cat Bot also comes with an additional Mouse Bot, that cleans up any mess the Cat Bot might've made, And dusts your house surfaces.  Cat Bot also works to scare any unwanted people or animals away from your home!! Buy today at your local target, Walmart or costco!!