Sneaker Design

Only $160


Get Ready.mp4

Our shoes are the #1 shoe for any athletes 

Only $160

Our shoes provide the most support for athletes after a game or after a practice session. We developed a new foam technology that makes sure your entire foot gets optimal support. We also have a new cotton material around the whole shoe to make sure it doesn't get sweaty and stinky.

Hi, my name is Logan Allenstein and I’m here with LJA shoes. We are trying to sell a new type of shoe for athletes after a game or after a practice session. A lot of athletes do a lot on their feet and wear cleats a lot of the time, that damages your foot and makes walking or moving harder. I've personally had problems with this as I used to be an athlete myself. So I designed these shoes for myself and it helped me and as the word spread around my team eventually everyone wanted some. So I decided that I would start selling them and our shoes have done miracles. With our product athletes can simply slip them on after a game and have a comfortable and supporting shoe to wear while also looking good. We’ve noticed that after just a few days or weeks of using our products, athletes have a better time just walking normally and have less foot and ankle problems. We have multiple stores around every major city and our social media pages where you can purchase them as well. We design important and better footwear for all athletes. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me and we hope to see you soon. 

Pre-Order now!!! Only $160!!!