My Persuasive Essay In ELAR

Should screen time be restricted?

Have you ever had your parents come into your room and tell you to get off your phone or your computer? Well I think that parents should not be allowed to tell kids to get off. 

You have probably heard that screens will rot your brain and you’ll lose track of time and forget about important things. Well that’s part of it, yes people will be people and forget about things and lose track of time. But there’s a misunderstanding about that, people can forget about important things and lose track of time doing anything. So it’s not screens doing that.  

Something that you might have used or if you have a kid that your kid used is a learning game or website. Screens can distract you but they can also educate you on different topics. It can also help us in our day to day lives with GPS or the news. A study was conducted where 57 12 year olds used khan academy for 2 weeks and they took a test before and after to see if the kids got a better score and 48 out of the 57 did. So it has been proven that learning apps have helped with the development of kids' brains.

Being on screens can also improve your social skills and your choice making skills. If you are chatting with your friends or family members you might not see often it will help with how you make new friends and how you talk to others. If you're online on platforms like tik tok or snap chat it will help you decide if you should watch videos or focus on homework so you don’t have to do more later and not get in trouble with your teacher. Furthermore it could help with your overall mood around others and it might help you calm down in stressful environments. The best part is that it doesn’t matter where you are, you can always find something to do or calm you down. You could be at the park or at your house or really anywhere.

Another benefit is it will help you for the future. Screens will be used everywhere as tech will advance and get better. Knowing how to use screens and technology at a young age or even an old age will help prepare you for the not so far future. Knowing how to use screens and technology will help you get jobs easily. 

So in conclusion that's why I think screen time should not be limited.

My Memoir in ELAR

The Lake

When I was 9 years old me and my whole family went to “The lake” we called it. It was really called Canyon Lake but we called it  that because it was easier to say. We always go there to ski on the lake and eat at a local pizza place. That day we went out to our normal spot which was right around a big cliff across the whole lake in the same boat we always did. That day we ended up going skiing around an island in the middle of the lake. And had the pizza back in our normal spot. After that we just hung out in the water and on the boat.

 We stayed there for like 4 hours but an hour before we were going to leave my mom noticed something in the boat. It was a big pool of water, and it was rising. My mom realized what it was and yelled, “The boat is sinking. Get on NOW!” We all got on the boat and started driving back to the dock we launched from. On the way my dad told me to check the bilge pump which takes the water out of the bottom of the boat and it was shooting out water faster than I could run. At the time I was driving the boat but once my dad realized how fast the water was going, he had to drive if we were going to make it. We zoomed across the lake going easily 70 or 80 MPH while trying not to hit anything. Me and my brother started to scoop water out of the boat but it was going up faster than we could with our water bottles. 

We ended up making it to the dock safely and once we got it on the trailer, we opened the bottom plug to let the water out and it went on for 3 minutes straight before stopping. We took a look at the bottom and there were huge scratches across the whole boat. It was probably caused by a rock or a tree under water. Not too long after we started to head home to get it fixed. But on the way out we saw someone else coming into the ramp area really quickly yelling “ I’m sinking HELP!” so we decided to help him get his boat up and out of the water and he had the same marks on the bottom of our boat as we did.

We asked him where he was coming from and he said around the same area we come from and he had gone skiing around the same island we did. Instead of heading home we went to the game warden incharge of the lake and told him about the scratches and where we had both been. They said they would head out and see if there was anything out there and about 3 hours later we got a call saying they had found a big rock and a sunken ship that was probably docked right there where the rock was. They also said that they would have someone go and remove it so no more people would hit it. Later that week we took the boat to get repaired and about a week from then we got the boat back and we left for the lake again the next day. We went to the spot where the rock was and it was gone. So that day we met up with the other guy that had his boat messed up and we had a fun time all around the lake.