This is the first project we did where we had to take photos and edit them in to a video. We used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere.


My Favorite Things

By Logan Allenstein



Hi, my name is Logan Allenstein, and I am a 6th grade DATA student, and these are My Favorite Things.


One of my favorite things to do is play with technology. I love playing with computers and I am going to be making my own Gaming pc. I also would love to have my own good quality laptop to be able to do work on the go. One thing I don’t need though is a phone because I already have a phone. I have an iPhone 12 and I love some of the features of the iPhone.


One of many of my favorite places is New England I haven’t been there before, but I would love to go there some day because it seems like a nice place with interesting places and landmarks. My favorite youtuber also lives there so that’s a thing on its own. Another place I love is Corpus Christi cause of all the beaches and aquariums and one of my absolute favorites things to do there is have a local pizza from island pizza. One place I would love to go to again is Des Moines, Iowa. My favorite thing to do there is walk around the capital building and visit a local burger place. One of my cousins runs a hotel there too.


One of my favorite hobbies are computer building which I will do hopefully soon to be able to get a new gaming pc. Another thing I love to do is run track and I ran track in 5th grade (800 meter), and it was a lot of fun but I was kinda hard for me so I would like to do the 100 meter in 6th grade. One thing that I didn’t start to do but after my science teacher in 5th told me how cool it was, and I tried it and loved it is I started bird watching which is pretty cool once you try it.


And that was My Favorite Things essay.