My Robot

This my robot "The Happy Helper" that I made in AV/Com. My bot is a at home nurse, that tends to people who can't live on their own and needs some extra help.

This is my logo for the Happy Helper. We used the curve, line, brush, shape, and text tool to create this logo.

This is the full sale poster that shows what my robot can do. I copied and paste the logo and the robots and then drew all the little items that help show what it does.

My full elevator sceech for the Happy Helper.

Hello my name is Ava Perryman and today I’m here to talk about how I help people in need, achieve health care, by helping people bring better at home care for all. 

Imagine you have an older family member or someone that needs extra help in day to day life. You want to help them but you’re busy with work, don’t live near them, or in other situations that prevent you from helping them day to day.
Well fortunately, that’s where the Happy Helper comes in. The Happy Helper is a fully functioning nurse, just home. The Happy Helper can tend to cuts, bruises, wounds, and other accidents that happen at home. Also the Happy Helper can review your symptoms, and diagnose you based on how you’re feeling. And for more mental issues and people who just need more care in general, the Happy Helper listens and is able to understand and give you recommendations on how to feel better.

So if you have a family member who is struggling to care for themselves, the Happy Helper is ready to help your loved ones at home. Get your own Happy Helper today at our website below or call the number on the screen. Thank you for listening and I hope you have a great day.