This project was really fun and I got to show, well... my favorite things! 

My video! 

Hope you enjoy it :)

These are the photos that I used in  My Favorite Things video

In this project we used PhotoShop and Adobe Premiere. The pictures at the bottom were made in PhotoShop and the video itself was made in Adobe Premiere. This project was long but it was worth it. :) 

Category 1 

Category 2 

Category 3 


Down here is were My Favorite Things essay is. We wrote these before we did our video. Go ahead and read it! 

Hi everyone! My name is Ava Perryman and today, I’m writing an outline for my Favorite Things project, about my favorite hobbies, food, and movie genres. Hope you enjoy!


  I have many favorite hobbies, like drawing. I love drawing and even have my own drawing style! Also acting is one of my favorite hobbies too, and I’ve been in two musicals it was so fun! Reading is also one of my hobbies, because it’s so calming and relaxing.


I love food, and here are some of my favorites. Sushi is just yum! Some people think “Ew. Raw fish, you eat that?” Yes. Yes, I do. I love so much that if my mom asks what if want for dinner I always say “Sushi!” In and Out is also my favorite. I always order the same thing, a cheeseburger with no tomatoes or onions, pickles, a side of fries, and a strawberry milkshake. Never gets old. Speaking of strawberries… I love strawberries too! Even since I was a baby, I loved strawberries. They are so juicy and sweet, and they make my mouth water.


    Finally, here are some of my favorite movie genres. Scary is a movie genre that is a personal favorite, because it’s creepy, and it takes you to your edge on your seat, and I like that feeling. Another genre of movies that I like is anime. I don’t know, something about the graphics it’s just amazing, and anime (most of the time) has good plots and story, so you really get into it. Lastly, comedy is one of my favorites too. Why you ask, well first of all, I like movies that I can laugh along with. Second, comedy always puts me in a good mood if I’m sad or annoyed.


Well, that’s it!  This project is going to be amazing, and I can’t wait to see everyone’s video. I’m excited to see everyone’s personality through this project! :) Hoped you enjoyed!