This it where I put my android apps and more! 

Paint Pot Blocks

This is a picture of all the coding I used in paint pot. I took a lot of time to set up all the coding to make sure that the app worked well. Paint Pot is an app I made (with some helpful videos for help), which is an app that you can draw and color a cute color page. It has many colors, a size slider, and a wipe button. :)

Here's what paint pot looks like. I used a donut for the coloring page.

Here is a little summary of some of the other apps I did. :)

HelloCodi- HelloCodi is a simple app where you press a picture of a bee, or "Codi" and it makes a cute buzzing sound. (Just kidding the sound is not cute at all, it's terrifying.)

Talk To Me- Talk to me is a basic text to speech app that is simple to use. All you have to do is type what you want and the text to speech will say it for you. Also if you shake your device it will tell you to stop, so please don't shake it. (Or shake it if you want to. But warning it will give you a funny little angry message.)

Ball Bounce- Ball Bounce is a simple app that has little black ball that bounces back and forth. (It's kinda boring but it was fun to make.)

Digital Doodle- Digital Doodle is a app where you just draw whatever you want on a screen. (Not to confused with Paint Pot, which has more features like lots of colors, wipe tool, and size slider. Digital Doodle doesn't have any of this.)

Here are my backgrounds that I used in my Multi-App!

Background 1

Background 2

Background 3

Background 4

Background 5

Background 6

My App!

Want to see my app for your own? Here's the QR code for it!