This is the first thing we made in our vector art unit, and it's called our Sample Graphic. It's pretty simple but it was fun to make.

These circles were made with Adobe Illustrator. We are going to use it alot in this unit. :

This is my confused face!

I made this emoji with  Adobe Illustrator. It was very fun to make this one.  Also this one is my favorite. :)

This is my LOL face!

This one was the easiest one to make because it uses simple shapes.

(Btw this one was made with Adobe Illustrator too.)

This is my kissy face!

This one was the hardest one to make because it took me a bit of time to make the mouth look good.

(Btw this one was made with Adobe Illustrator too.)

Name that Emoji!

This is my famous person emoji. As you can tell it's Donald Duck. I think I did a good job on this and hope you guys like it! Again, this was made is Adobe Illustrator, we are using that a lot in this unit. :)


Animate a Windmill

In Adobe Animate I got to make a windmill, a swinging boat, and a cute little doll. :)

The windmill was the easiest one to make so far.

Amusement Park Swing Animation 

This one was the hardest to make. I amit it is a bit...laggy, but it still works!

Animating a Doll 

This one is my favorite! Funny story, when I was making this the head kept going to the conner of the screen and the body was disappearing on me. But now it looks normal.