Self Portrait and Portrait Preview


Environmental portrait:

I chose this as my environmental portrait because even though there isn't a lot going on in the picture physically, it still shows how difficult it can be to work in the hospital for many different reasons. I liked this picture because it is highlighting the person but it is still showing their surroundings and struggles. 

I chose this photo because it has a lot of emotion behind it. Based of his expression and the overall mood of the photo it sort of shows that he may be struggling or dealing with something which can be emotional and that is why I liked this one.

Photography self portrait:

I chose this photo because there is a very cool way of framing her face. I like how there is also different colors and the background is dark but the blue sparks are bright and lighting up her face. 

I chose this photo because of the cool background and the symmetry in the picture. I like how the colors complement each other and how the girl stands out. 

Casual Portrait:

I chose this photo because of the bright colors and how the picture is really focused on the girl. I like how she is looking a different direction and the photo looks candid.

I chose this photo because of how the color of her shirt stuck out but the color of hair blended in. I like how the background is blured and the girl sticks out. Also think that the plants coming up in the frame is cool. 

My plan for the project:

My plan for the project is to take a picture of one of my friends or a sibling. I will most likely take it outside by trees or flowers for a brighter background. I will try and blur the background so it is more focused on the person I am shooting. For my self portrait, I will also want to take it outside and make it similar to the other photo. To make this successful I will want to get it done efficiently and do some research and inspiration before I take the pictures.