Diana Journalism 1 period 7

My name is Diana I was born and raised in Austin Texas and I go to Bowie High school. I have three siblings and two step siblings. I am a freshman and this is my first year taking Journalism. I have always been interested in writing and creating and I hope that this class can help me learn more about these things. I love to organize and clean which has helped me a lot with my mindset. In my free time I usually take walks or talk to my friends. In seventh and eighth grade I was on the dance team. I loved meeting new people and I found a lot of joy in dancing there. I have many different goals for the year like getting all A's and being able to turn all my work in on time and I hope I can achieve them. 

I do not have many experience when it comes to digital media. Last year I was interested in taking yearbook but I ended up not getting the class. Although this year I was able to be put in yearbook, but since it is only the first week of school I have not had much experience with digital media. I do know how to take photos on my phone because I do that often. Overall I am very interested in learning more about it.

I am taking journalism 1 because I have been interested in writing ever since I was little. I used to write story's all the time. It has always been something I enjoyed doing. I think that taking this class will help me understand writing a lot more. I also think that knowing how to properly write and do certain layouts will help me a lot in more than just this class.