Podcast Preview

1. What is a Podcast? An audio program.

2. What are some of the advantages of Podcast has over traditional radio? They can be any format, topic, be lengthy and in depth, and any frequency. 

3. Where do most people listen to a Podcast, according to the website? In the car.

4. What are a couple of differences between a professional Podcast versus a homemade version? Professional ones can theme music, sound effects, professional editing and more.

5. What is the difference between a Podcast and a Podcast Episode? A Podcast is a series of episodes and a Podcast Episode is just one recording from the podcast. 

6. What are the four most common types of Podcasts? 

7. In a sentence or two, please describe each of the four common types of Podcasts. Make sure to give a specific example for each that someone could listen to. 

Conversational-  The most common format when discussions are between one or more hosts and their guest deep diving into personal history or any topic. Ex. Interview podcasts

Narrative nonfiction- A long-form of storytelling which covers anything about true event or topic in a narrative style. Ex. This American Life

Scripted fiction- Another way of long-form storytelling, talks about sci-fi fantasies to historical fiction comedies. Ex. Girl in Space

Repurposed content- Repackaged content usually by content creators, bloggers, brands, and more. Ex. The Daily Show With Trevor Noah. Ears Edition

 8. List the top-10 Podcasts for 2022

9. Where can you access Podcasts? List 2-3 places where you can find them.

10. List the 10 steps the website suggests you follow to create a Podcast.

11. Refer back to the FOUR common types of Podcasts. Which one do you think would be best for you to use for a short 2-3 minute Podcast that you will create with 2 other people? Tell me which one you would use.

Conversational because I think it would be the easiest and have more freedom of things we could talk about. 

11. Think of FIVE topics/themes you think would be interesting to use for a Podcast that you will suggest to your team. Be sure to be specific and zero in on something that you could talk about with other people for 2-3 minutes.

12. Think of THREE names for your Podcast based on a few of your potential topics.

13. What types of equipment do you think you will need to make a Podcast?

Headphones, microphones, and any thing needed to record.